Commissions by Sheela

I love to draw:
MONSTER☆GANG characters
A variety of fan work (just ask!)
I may say no to:
Animal Genitalia
I will not draw:
My Little Pony
Refusal Policy
I reserve the right to refuse any commissions as I see fit. I am in no way obligated to accept any/all commissions asked of me by potential commissioners. Ultimately, what commissions I decide to take or decide to refuse is up to me.
Adjustment Policy
Commissioners are allowed two free changes, excluding asking for corrections on something I missed in the references I was originally presented. After these two changes, the commissioner will incur an additional fee of 5-15 USD, depending on the complexity of the change.
Refund Policy
If for some reason you paid before any work was started (which should never happen, but just in case), I will issue a full refund. If some of the work has been completed, you may receive a partial refund depending on the amount of work that’s been completed. If the image is fully complete, there are no refunds.
Important Note on Commissions:
I work on comics full time. Every once in long while I will take a month off of comic work to pursue commission work for a little while. But largely, if I’m taking commissions, I am doing so on my days off. This means I can only work on the commission once a week.
As a result, on average commissions can take anywhere between 1 to 6 weeks to complete and I will be in contact with you throughout the process if there are any questions! Contact through the MONSTER☆GANG discord server is preferred.
You can also track my progress on commissions here!